My focus now has got to be positivity. The first thing I thought of today when I needed a happy thought is my four year old niece Megan, and my 19 month old nephew Shane. They are small but they take up a HUGE part of my life and heart. Those kids are sooo important to me. I want to be a good influence in their life, I want to be the one they can go to if they feel like they have no one else, I want to be able to teach them things that I think are valuble and I want to just make sure they know they are soooo special.
I am very close to my brothers, We talk almost everyday, and if we don't its weird. Our upbringing was different. We lost our parents at a young age. We were able to stay together and make it work. I think that makes our relationship different,or actually special. I want to teach Megan and Shane about their Grandparents, I know my Mom and Dad are watching over them from Heaven.
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family” Anthony Brandt